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Apr 6 / BKIT

Congratulations to Char on completing her first half marathon

Char celebrates her finishChar Williams completed the Warwick Half Marathon raising funds for the Buwan Kothi International Trust.

Char said, “After doing very little running in the past I joined the beginners run club at Nuffield in August last year, starting with the “Couch to 5km programme” – running for a minute/walking for a minute etc. I built it up and ran the Leamington Park Run (5km) in mid October.

I have been fundraising for the last 5 years since setting up my hairdressing business (The Vanity Box in Warwick Gates). To date I have raised over £10,000 for a variety of charities. I have trekked the high Atlas Mountains, Morocco and The Grand Canyon, and also hosted 3 charity balls.


This year I decided to take a break from any major fundraising because I wanted to challenge myself in a new way.

But I felt my efforts would be wasted if I didn’t do it for charity as it seemed such a big challenge for me! I chose to support BKIT as a thank you for the support and encouragement I have received from Sangita and Jas Mundy, who are Trustees of the charity. BKIT is a great charity and it seemed particularly apt knowing that Jas is there for three months on a sabbatical working at the Gilly Mundy School and amongst the community whilst I train for the half marathon!

After several months of training I am extremely happy that I succeeded in completing the half marathon in 2 hours and 48 minutes. I did not want to put too much pressure on myself by giving myself a time limit but the buzz from the crowd kept me going. Also running with Sangita, my dad, and many of my friends from run club really made me feel well supported.

Char and fellow runners at the start


I was hoping to raise £500 but have already received nearly £650 and donations are still coming in to I think my friends and family have been so supportive of this challenge because most of them think I am crazy.

I am going to suggest that the money I raise should be used to set up a girls marching band at the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School and I believe they are already looking into this.”


24 Hours earlier the first ever half marathon was held at the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School. Jas was joined by over 150 runners, including students, teachers & members of the local community. The route took in the villages that the children at Gilly Mundy School come from. Medals and certificates were awarded to everyone who participated.DSC_0069  DSC_0071

Jan 30 / BKIT

Former Leamington Mayoress leaves legacy to Indian school

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 A school in rural India is to benefit from a heartfelt legacy left by a former Leamington Mayoress.

The Buwan Kothi Internatonal Trust UK (BKIT) has received a bequest of £65,460 from the estate of Hannah Griffiths, wife of former Mayor of Leamington Tom Griffiths.

BKIT aims to benefit the public of rural regeneration in Haryana, India and in 2007, the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School was built in the area in memory of Gurpreet ‘Gilly’ Singh Mundy. The project took place after Gilly’s father, Mota Singh, raised enough money to start the build.

Mota, BKIT trustee and former Mayor of Leamington, had been good friends with Hannah and Tom Griffiths for over 40 years before their deaths.

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He said: “Hannah and Tom were especially supportive to me during the difficult time when my wife died and then Hannah also supported me when Gilly died. As well as being my good friend, Tom was my teacher when I attended Mid- Warwickshire College.

“Hannah always took a great interest in the school and was a regular donor over the years. She was especially glad to know about our Assisted Places Scheme which ensures that over 20 per cent of the students come from families who would not be able to afford the fees.

“This bequest will be used to build an extra eight rooms at the primary school, making a second storey on the building. This will then qualify us to apply to the Central Board of Secondary Education in Delhi to become a senior secondary school. Once finished, the whole building will be named in their memory.”


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BKIT have so far spent £800,000 worth of funding on the school and are now aiming to raise a further £60,000 in order to purchase three new school buses worth £40,000 and build a new multipurpose assembly hall at a cost of £20,000

Extract from Coventry Evening Telegraph (22.01.16)

Sep 8 / BKIT

BKIT Cycle Ride raises funds for Arts and Sports Projects


Thank to everyone who took part in this year’s cycle ride – we are already looking forward to 2016 which will be our tenth anniversary ride. Funds raised this year will be used to support Arts and Sports projects at the Gilly Mundy Memorial Community School.